общественное мнение

Countess A. D. Bludova and her Memoirs

The article is devoted to the study of the biography and the political outlook of Countess A. D. Bludova, who took an active part in public life of Russia in the XIX century. The basis of the article is the analysis of A. D. Bludova' s notes and memoirs. The author formulates a conclusion concerning the place of the political events of European history at the turn of the 1820–1830s in the folding and evolution of features of A. D. Bludova’s political outlook.

Crises of the 1930s in the estimates of U.S. society

The article describes reaction of U.S. society to the crisis moments of international Affairs 1931–1939. U.S. media estimates analyzed the Germany's aggression in Europe and Japanese aggression in Asiа
